ABUS 3510

About This Course

Collaborative exploration of virtual communication within teams/across cultures. Impact of technologies on global business/societies. Virtual team functioning/dynamics. Influence of cultural perspective on communication within group. Role of communication technology in cultural development. Ethical/legal implications.

Sample textbooks: Fisher, K and Fisher, M. 2011. The Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams
Cheney, L. and Martin, J. Intercultural Business Communication, 6th Edition
Stallard, Michael Lee. Connection Culture. 2017.


Ann Lowry
Ann Lowry

PhD, organizational communication, University of Minnesota; MA, interpersonal communication, University of Wisconsin-Madison; BA, communication and English, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ann Lowry has over 20 years of experience as an educator and organizational consultant on topics such as presentational speaking, conflict resolution and negotiation, and intercultural communication. She is owner and president of Ann Lowry and Associates, an organizational development consulting firm, where she specializes in group and team effectiveness, strategic planning and goal setting, conflict resolution, and more. She also teaches at Northland College. She was named one of the U of M's CLA Alumni of Notable Achievement in recognition of her contributions to Minnesota businesses. She is currently pursuing a second PhD in mind-body medicine with the intention of assisting leaders to improve performance.

  • ABUS 3510 – Communicating Virtually Across Global Teams in Applied Business Settings
  • ABUS 4023W – Communicating for Results

Information Subject to Change

Course details, syllabus, and instructor are subject to change. Current course details can be found by clicking on the Term link(s) above.