U of M Catalog Description

University Catalog Link

Introduction to Latin prose authors of 1st centuries BCE/CE. Readings of continuous passages of unadapted Latin texts (history, speeches, letters). Review of grammar/vocabulary as needed. Some discussion of major themes/issues in Roman culture as illustrated by texts.

Class size limit: 22

Sample Syllabus

Recommended Course Description for
High School Registration Guides

Building from a basic knowledge of Latin grammar and syntax, this course aims to develop students’ fluency with Latin prose and to introduce some stylistic elements of hallmark authors of the Republican period. The primary author for the course is Cicero and/or Caesar. In addition to providing an opportunity to read sustained prose, these texts also introduce some fundamental principles of Roman rhetoric, the science of constructing language around the goal of persuasion. The course introduces high school students to university-level scholarship.

Student Eligibility

Students enrolling in LAT 3003 should be juniors or seniors in high school and have instructor approval. Generally, students should have completed three years of Latin, including a comprehensive grounding in Latin grammar and syntax, before enrolling in LAT 3003. Experience reading Latin literature is helpful. Ninth and tenth graders may apply if they meet prerequisites.

Instructor Qualifications

Instructors apply and are selected by faculty in accordance with the U of M policy governing Academic Appointments with Teaching Functions. Once approved, an instructor is appointed as a Teaching Specialist 9754 (University Job Title and Code) in the College of Continuing and Professional Studies. Instructor qualifications are determined by the sponsoring University department.

Visit the Apply to Teach a Course page for course-specific qualifications and application steps.


Students use works by ancient authors such as Cicero, Caesar, and Pliny. Specific editions are chosen by the faculty coordinator after consultation with individual teachers.

Minnesota public schools are responsible for the cost of required textbooks and course materials.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all of the texts and readings specified or mandated by the University of Minnesota? If not, what are some of the choices?
The faculty coordinator works with individual teachers to select the texts that will be used. Texts vary from school to school. Teachers are free to choose the passages that will be read, but students are expected to cover at least as much material as the students in on-campus sections of the course.

Do teachers have a choice in assignments? Are there required assignments?
Teachers have flexibility in assignments.

Who creates the exams?
Teachers create their own exams which are then reviewed by the faculty coordinator.

Is there a training and mentoring system for Latin teachers new to CIS?
Yes. Experienced instructors help new teachers get accustomed to the system. Teachers frequently email one another with questions and share materials with the whole group. Teachers also benefit from two New Teacher workshops that focus on course content and University processes, as well as an orientation to College in the Schools that will familiarize them with the support available through CIS and prepare them for administrative tasks such as registering students and posting grades.

High school class schedules vary: can a teacher in the block system teach U of M Latin?
All courses offered through CIS have the same minimum number of contact hours as the on-campus sections. Generally, teachers have been able to adapt the University schedule for Latin to fit the schedules at their high schools. To make sure that the block schedule at your school will work for the University Latin course please contact the faculty coordinator (contact information above).

What happens at typical teacher workshops?
Typical activities at CIS workshops include meeting University faculty and hearing about their recent research in the discipline; reviewing and/or developing student assessment tools; sharing instructional materials; discussing particular content, pedagogy, or assessment of the University course; and receiving updates on CIS program policies and practices.

What happens at typical student field days?
Greek and Latin students will come together for a combined student field day. Student field days provide an opportunity for CIS students to meet their peers, practice skills they have learned in class, and explore the Twin Cities campus. Students are introduced to the broad range of Greco-Roman civilization present in the Twin Cities. Past field days have included visits to the ancient coin collection in the Weisman Art Museum and the collection of Latin manuscript leaves and facsimiles in the Andersen Library, as well as taster language classes in Greek, Coptic, and Hebrew, visits to university classes, and special lectures by members of the faculty.

High Schools Offering This Course

  • Brookfield Central High School
  • Brookfield East High School
  • Eagle Ridge Academy
  • Edina High School
  • Nova Classical Academy (Saint Paul)
  • Providence Academy (Plymouth)