Words and Terms Often Encountered in Education

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Sublist 1: Most Common Academic Words 1–60

  • analysis: a detailed investigation of the parts of something
  • approach: a way of considering or doing something
  • area: a subject or specialization, or part of it
  • assessment: when you decide the value or quality of something
  • assume: accept something to be true without questioning it
  • authority: an expert on a subject
  • available: able to be used
  • benefit: an advantage or good effect
  • concept: an abstract or general idea
  • consistent: in agreement with expectations or other facts
  • constitutional: relating to the laws and principles of a government
  • context: the situation in which something exists or happens
  • contract: a legal agreement between people or groups
  • create: to make something new or invent something
  • data: information from which conclusions may be drawn
  • definition: an explanation of a word or phrase
  • derived: formed or developed from something else
  • distribution: the way in which things or people are spread about
  • economic: relating to money or trade
  • environment: the conditions one lives in and their effects
  • established: conventional or conforming to accepted standards
  • estimate: a guess of the size, number or amount of something
  • evidence: one or more reasons for believing something
  • export: to send goods to another country
  • factors: facts which contribute to the result of something
  • financial: relating to the management of money
  • formula: a standard way of making or doing something
  • function: the purpose of something, or the duty of a person
  • identified: recognized something by saying what it is
  • income: money earned by doing work or gained by investing
  • indicate: to show, point out, or make clear
  • individual: a single person or thing when compared to a group
  • interpretation: an explanation or opinion of what something means
  • involved: complicated or difficult to understand
  • issues: problems that people are thinking or talking about
  • labor: practical work which involves physical effort
  • legal: related to or allowed by law
  • legislation: a law or laws created by a government
  • major: more important than others of the same type
  • method: a way of doing something
  • occur: to happen, often naturally or unexpectedly
  • percent: in proportion to a hundred
  • period: any length of time
  • policy: an established practice or plan of what to do
  • principal: the first, main, or most important
  • procedure: a course of action intended to achieve a result
  • process: a series of actions taken to achieve a result
  • required: needed or made necessary
  • research: a detailed study of a subject
  • response: an answer or reaction to a question or statement
  • role: a function or part performed in a specific process
  • section: a distinct part of something
  • sector: a geographic or economic area
  • significant: noticeable, meaningful or important
  • similar: almost but not exactly the same
  • source: the cause of something or place it comes from
  • specific: relating to one thing and not others
  • structure: the way parts of a system or object are arranged
  • theory: an organized system of accepted knowledge
  • variable: one among a group of things which may change

Sublist 2: Most Common Academic Words 61–120

  • achieve: to succeed in reaching a target or aim
  • acquisition: the process of getting something
  • administration: a method of managing the affairs of an organization
  • affect: to influence or cause something to change
  • appropriate: suitable or right for a particular purpose or situation
  • aspects: the parts of a problem, situation or task
  • assistance: an act of helping to complete a task
  • categories: the groups by which something is classified
  • chapter: a part of a book or period of time
  • commission: a special group chosen to consider something
  • community: a social group of people who live in a particular area
  • complex: difficult to understand because of its many parts
  • computer: a machine which performs calculations automatically
  • conclusion: an opinion one reaches after careful consideration
  • conduct: to organize and perform a specific task
  • consequences: the undesired results of a particular act or situation
  • construction: the act of building something
  • consumer: a person who buys goods or services
  • credit: to recognize a person's contribution to a task
  • cultural: relating to the customs and beliefs of a certain group
  • design: a plan of something or how its parts are arranged
  • distinction: a specific difference between two similar things
  • elements: the basic principles of a subject of study
  • equation: a statement showing the equivalence of two things
  • evaluation: judgment of the value or quality of something
  • features: the important or typical parts of something
  • final: last
  • focus: the center of interest, activity, or attention
  • impact: a powerful effect that something has on a situation
  • injury: damage to a person's body after an accident or attack
  • institute: an organization that does scientific or educational work
  • investment: the act of spending time or money in pursuit of gain
  • items: the things which are part of a list or group
  • journal: a publication with a focus on a particular subject
  • maintenance: the act of keeping something in its present state
  • normal: ordinary or usual
  • obtained: came into possession of
  • participation: the act of taking part or being involved in something
  • perceived: saw, or generally recognized or believed to be true
  • positive: certain about something
  • potential: the capacity to develop, succeed or achieve
  • previous: occurring or existing before something or someone else
  • primary: more important than anything else
  • purchase: buy
  • range: the upper and lower limits of something
  • region: a geographical or physical area
  • regulations: rules issued by an authority
  • relevant: correct or suitable for a particular purpose
  • resident: a person who lives at a particular place
  • resources: money, valuable possessions, or natural materials
  • restricted: with limitations, or available only to a select few
  • security: protection of a person, property or organization
  • sought: simple past and past participle of seek
  • select: to choose, especially after careful consideration
  • site: a place where something was, is, or will be
  • strategies: detailed plans or methods for achieving success
  • survey: a series of questions used to gather personal data
  • text: the words printed on a page other than the headings
  • traditional: the usual ways or customs of a group of people
  • transfer: to move from one place to another

Sublist 3: Most Common Academic Words 121–180

  • alternative: something different, or a choice of something else
  • circumstances: the conditions which make a situation the way it is
  • comments: spoken or written words to express an opinion
  • compensation: money received for the loss or damage of something
  • components: all the individual parts of a system or thing
  • consent: voluntary agreement or permission
  • considerable: large or of noticeable importance
  • constant: unchanging, or happening frequently
  • constraints: conditions that limit the freedom of a system or thing
  • contribution: money given or part played to achieve a group aim
  • convention: a conference, or the accepted way of doing something
  • coordination: movement of the body, or management of a group
  • core: the central or most important part of a system or thing
  • corporate: relating to a group, company or corporation
  • corresponding: similar to or anticipated
  • criteria: the rules or guidelines to test or evaluate something
  • deduction: the act of finding a logical answer or opinion
  • demonstrate: to show or explain how something works
  • document: to record the details of a process or event
  • dominant: stronger than others of the same group or type
  • emphasis: the importance or special consideration of something
  • ensure: to make certain that something will happen
  • excluded: deliberately didn't include something
  • framework: an outline or basic description of a complex process
  • funds: money available for a specific purpose
  • illustrated: made clear with pictures or examples
  • immigration: the act of arriving at a country in order to live there
  • implies: suggests something without saying directly
  • initial: existing or occurring at the beginning
  • instance: an occurrence of something
  • interaction: communication, or the action of things on each other
  • justification: to explain or show that something is right or fair
  • layer: a distinct band, thickness, or level of something
  • link: a connection between two things
  • location: place, position or coordinates of something
  • maximum: an upper limit of something
  • minorities: groups of people who differ from the larger group
  • negative: bad, less than zero, contradictory, or inconclusive
  • outcomes: the end results or consequences of a particular event
  • partnership: a relationship involving close cooperation
  • philosophy: a system of beliefs that guide one's behavior
  • physical: of the body, or having material existence
  • proportion: the size of something when compared to the whole
  • published: made known to the public through writing
  • reaction: behavior or action as a result of a particular event
  • registered: recorded and accepted by a group or organization
  • reliance: the tendency to trust in someone or something
  • removed: took away
  • scheme: an organized plan, or an outline of a system or thing
  • sequence: a series, or the order in which things are arranged
  • sex: the state of being either female or male
  • shift: a change in position, direction or conditions
  • specified: stated clearly or described accurately
  • sufficient: as much as is needed for a particular purpose
  • task: a piece of work that is either difficult or unpleasant
  • technical: relating to specialized words of a specific subject
  • techniques: ways of doing an activity that requires skill
  • technology: the study of practical uses of scientific discoveries
  • validity: acceptance or meaningfulness based on reason
  • volume: a book which is published periodically or as a series

Sublist 4: Most Common Academic Words 181–240

  • access: the ability to get to or enter somewhere or something
  • adequate: enough or barely enough
  • annual: happening once a year
  • apparent: able to be understood, or seeming to exist
  • approximated: came near to, or estimated
  • attitudes: feelings or opinions about someone or something
  • attributed: indicated the cause of something
  • civil: relating to the ordinary people of a country
  • code: regulations, or a set of symbols that mean something
  • commitment: willingness to spend time or energy on something
  • communication: the way living things send messages to each other
  • concentration: the ability to think or focus carefully about one thing
  • conference: a meeting or event with talks about a specific subject
  • contrast: an obvious difference between two or more things
  • cycle: a series of events which repeat in a predictable order
  • debate: a serious discussion involving many people
  • despite: without taking notice of or being influenced by
  • dimensions: aspects, or the length, width and height of something
  • domestic: relating to home or country
  • emerged: became known, or appeared out of something
  • error: mistake or wrong decision
  • ethnic: of a national, racial, religious or linguistic group
  • goals: aims, purposes or targets
  • granted: gave or allowed someone to do something
  • hence: therefore, this is the reason why
  • hypothesis: an idea based on observation but not yet proven
  • implementation: the realization of a plan, idea or policy
  • implications: the possible consequences an event may bring
  • imposed: forced a rule, or made someone accept an idea
  • integration: to combine two or more things into a coherent whole
  • internal: relating to or existing inside
  • investigation: a detailed study of examination of a problem or crime
  • job: regular work, a piece of work, a responsibility or a task
  • label: information about the object it is fixed to
  • mechanism: a process or sequence of steps within a system
  • obvious: easy to understand
  • occupational: relating to work
  • option: something available as a choice, or the right to choose
  • output: the end product, or the amount of something produced
  • overall: in general, considering everything
  • parallel: similar, or of equal distance apart along two lengths
  • parameters: the facts or rules which limit how something is done
  • phase: a period of time, especially as part of a series
  • predicted: said that something would happen in the future
  • principle: a basic truth or theory
  • prior: coming before something else in time or importance
  • professional: relating to or conforming to the standards of work
  • project: work or a study of a subject over a period of time
  • promote: to raise someone or something to a higher level
  • regime: a particular government or controlling group or system
  • resolution: a course of action which is decided purposefully
  • retained: kept or continued to have
  • series: a sequence of similar or related things
  • statistics: a branch of applied mathematics that analyzes data
  • status: the relative position of someone or something
  • stress: to give emphasis or special attention to something
  • subsequent: happening after something else
  • sum: the total number or amount of things added together
  • summary: a short description of the main points of something
  • undertaken: done or committed to do with responsibility or effort

Sublist 5: Most Common Academic Words 241–300

  • academic: relating to school, college, study or theory
  • adjustment: making small changes, or becoming suitable
  • alter: to change the form or character of something
  • amendment: a change made to the words of a text
  • aware: to have knowledge or be conscious of something
  • capacity: the maximum that can be contained or produced
  • challenge: something needing effort in order to be done well
  • clause: a group of words with a meaning, or a legal document
  • compounds: substances made up of two or more elements
  • conflict: fighting, or disagreement between people or ideas
  • consultation: a meeting to discuss something or seek advice
  • contact: communication, or when people or things touch
  • decline: to get weaker or diminish, or to refuse something
  • discretion: careful consideration for others, or the right to choose
  • draft: a piece of text or plan which is not in its final form
  • enable: to make something possible, practical or easy to do
  • energy: power or ability to be physically or mentally active
  • enforcement: to make or force something to happen or be accepted
  • entities: things, real or abstract, which exist independently
  • equivalent: being equal to or effectively the same as
  • evolution: a gradual process of change, or Darwin's theory
  • expansion: an increase in size of something
  • exposure: being affected by something in a particular place
  • external: relating to or existing outside
  • facilitate: to make something easy or easier to do
  • fundamental: basic, central, or more important than anything else
  • generated: caused something to exist
  • generation: people of the same age, or the production of energy
  • image: a picture in the mind or formed by a mirror or lens
  • liberal: open minded and tolerant of others, or generous
  • license: a legal document giving permission to do or own
  • logic: a way of thinking based on reason
  • marginal: small in amount or effect, or barely acceptable
  • medical: relating to the study or practice of medicine
  • mental: of the mind
  • modified: changed just a little and usually for the better
  • monitoring: observing, recording or detecting using instruments
  • network: a system of things or people which are interconnected
  • notion: idea, opinion or belief
  • objective: aim or purpose
  • orientation: direction or arrangement, aims, training or preparation
  • perspective: a way of looking at or considering something
  • precise: exact or careful and accurate
  • prime: the main or most important, or the best quality
  • psychology: study of how the mind works and affects behavior
  • pursue: to follow, try to get, or try to discover information
  • ratio: a comparison of two things expressed as a number
  • rejected: refused to accept, make use of, or give affection to
  • revenue: income that a company or government receives
  • stability: resistance to change, or constancy of character
  • styles: types, expressions, or ways of doing something
  • substitution: the replacement of one thing by another
  • sustainable: able to be continued or maintained
  • symbolic: representing something else, or ineffective
  • target: aim, thing to be aimed at, or who something is for
  • transition: a process or period in which something changes
  • trend: fashion, or change in people's behavior or attitude
  • version: specific variety, different from others or the original
  • welfare: financial help to the poor, or health and happiness
  • whereas: but, compared with the fact that

Sublist 6: Most Common Academic Words 301–360

  • abstract: a written summary of the important points of a text
  • accurate: correct and without any mistakes
  • acknowledged: recognized, admitted the truth, or expressed thanks
  • aggregate: the total of all the parts
  • allocation: a share of something for a specific purpose
  • assigned: gave someone a task, or sorted something into groups
  • attached: added or fixed something to something else
  • author: writer
  • bond: a physical link, or a close social connection
  • brief: short in time, or expressed in a few words
  • capable: having the ability or qualities to do something
  • cited: quoted as an example to support an argument
  • cooperative: willing to help, or involving joint activity
  • discrimination: biased and unfair treatment of a person or group
  • display: show, or arrange something to be seen
  • diversity: variety of opinions, styles, social groups or living things
  • domain: an area of interest, or an area controlled by someone
  • edition: a version or a batch of a publication in a series
  • enhanced: improved in quality, intensity, or value
  • estate: all of a person's property or wealth
  • exceed: to be more than a number, amount or allowed limit
  • expert: a person with great skill or knowledge of a subject
  • explicit: clear and detailed, not implicit
  • federal: relating to a central government
  • fees: an amount of money paid for a piece of work or service
  • flexibility: ability to bend, change or be changed
  • furthermore: in addition
  • gender: condition of being male of female
  • ignored: gave no attention to someone or something
  • incentive: something that encourages or motivates a person to do
  • incidence: occurrence or rate of occurrence of something
  • incorporated: as a corporation, or combined into one thing
  • index: reference list arranged alphabetically, or scale
  • inhibition: the process of slowing down, restraining, or stopping
  • initiatives: introductory steps
  • input: contribution, or something that goes into a process
  • instructions: information about how to do something
  • intelligence: capacity to acquire and apply knowledge
  • interval: a short period of time between one event and the next
  • lecture: an educational speech before an audience or class
  • migration: movement of a group from one region to another
  • minimum: a lower limit of something
  • ministry: a government department, or the service of a minister
  • motivation: enthusiasm or reason for doing something
  • neutral: without bias or favoritism, or having no charge
  • nevertheless: despite this, nonetheless, notwithstanding
  • overseas: abroad, or to, from or in other countries
  • preceding: coming before something or someone else
  • presumption: an attitude based on probability rather than proof
  • rational: logical or based on reason
  • recovery: return to normal, or getting back something lost
  • revealed: showed or made known
  • scope: range covered, or opportunity
  • subsidiary: of lesser importance
  • tapes: recordings of sound or pictures
  • trace: to find or discover by careful searching or research
  • transformation: a complete change or the process of change
  • transport: to carry from one place to another
  • underlying: fundamental, implicit but not obvious, prior
  • utility: usefulness, or public service such as gas or water

Sublist 7: Most Common Academic Words 361–420

  • adaptation: modification to suit new conditions or environment
  • adults: people or living things that are fully grown or developed
  • advocate: to publicly recommend or support something
  • aid: to help or support
  • channel: a way through which something moves or is transmitted
  • chemical: a substance with a distinct molecular composition
  • classical: traditional, or belonging to ancient Rome or Greece
  • comprehensive: including many things or everything that is necessary
  • comprise: to include or consist of
  • confirmed: proved true, or made certain
  • contrary: not in agreement with, or opposite
  • converted: changed form, function or opinion
  • couple: to link together
  • decades: periods of ten years, or a long time
  • definite: certain or clear
  • deny: to refuse, not admit, or say that something is not true
  • differentiation: the process of making something different
  • disposal: the process of getting rid of something
  • dynamic: relating to energy, motion, or change
  • eliminate: to get rid of, remove, or leave out
  • empirical: based on observation or experiment
  • equipment: necessary items for a particular activity of purpose
  • extract: to get from source, pull out, or get by force
  • file: to store in order or record officially
  • finite: countable, or having an end or limit
  • foundation: fundamental principle, or establishment
  • global: relating to the whole world
  • grade: to classify things or people by quality, rank or level
  • guarantee: to promise or make certain
  • hierarchical: classified by rank or grade
  • identical: the same in every way
  • ideology: system of beliefs or principles
  • inferred: conclude from evidence or logical thinking
  • innovation: invention or new idea or way of doing something
  • insert: to put something into something else
  • intervention: become involved in a situation in order to improve it
  • isolated: separated, or found the cause of something
  • media: television, radio, newspapers or magazines
  • mode: manner, way or form
  • paradigm: conceptual framework, or an example of something
  • phenomenon: something unusual or amazing which can be sensed
  • priority: something important that comes first or before others
  • prohibited: prevented, or refused to allow
  • publication: printed item such as a book, magazine or journal
  • quotation: what someone has said or written
  • release: to let go or let out
  • reverse: opposite or back
  • simulation: model of the essential features of a process or thing
  • solely: only and exclusively
  • somewhat: slightly or rather
  • submitted: presented for consideration, or gave in to
  • successive: following in sequence and without a break
  • survive: to continue to live or exist
  • thesis: long academic paper based on original research
  • topic: subject of a text or discussion
  • transmission: process of passing or sending something invisible
  • ultimately: finally and after much trouble or discussion
  • unique: completely different from anything else
  • visible: able to be seen
  • voluntary: done willingly and without external force

Sublist 8: Most Common Academic Words 421–480

  • abandon: to leave forever, or to stop something in progress
  • accompanied: went or came with someone or something
  • accumulation: collection or process of collecting
  • ambiguous: not clear, or having two or more possible interpretations
  • appendix: supplementary material at the end of a book
  • appreciation: recognition of value, or expression of thanks
  • arbitrary: based on chance rather than reason
  • automatically: without need for help, or without thinking
  • bias: unfair preference, or distortion of statistics
  • chart: to watch carefully or record in detail
  • clarity: clearness of expression, thought, sound or image
  • conformity: agreement in form or opinion, or doing as others do
  • commodity: something that can be bought or sold
  • complement: to make better when combined
  • contemporary: existing now, or of the same period
  • contradiction: disagreement or incompatibility of two or more things
  • crucial: extremely important
  • currency: money or acceptance
  • denote: to indicate, or act as a symbol for
  • detected: noticed, or discovered using instruments
  • deviation: difference from the norm or what is usual or expected
  • displacement: movement of people or things away from a place
  • dramatic: exciting, outstanding, or very sudden
  • eventually: finally, or ultimately
  • exhibit: to show. display or reveal
  • exploitation: good use of resources, or unfair use of people
  • fluctuations: irregular variations, or rises and falls
  • guidelines: information to aid or advise people about something
  • highlighted: emphasized or marked as important
  • implicit: understood without being said
  • induced: caused to happen, or persuaded to do
  • inevitably: as expected, or in a way that can not be avoided
  • infrastructure: basic organization of a system, or public services
  • inspection: careful or critical viewing or examination
  • intensity: strength of concentration of something
  • manipulation: influence, or control of something using hands
  • minimized: reduced to a minimum, or made unimportant
  • nuclear: relating to a nucleus
  • offset: to counterbalance or compensate one thing for another
  • paragraph: group of sentences which discuss a single topic
  • plus: and also, or more, added to
  • practitioners: people involved in an activity or job requiring skill
  • predominantly: mainly or mostly
  • prospect: anticipation, or probability of a favorable outcome
  • radical: fundamental or extreme
  • random: without pattern or plan
  • reinforced: gave support to something
  • restore: to return to a previous condition or position
  • revision: a change of the words of a text
  • schedule: a plan of activities organized by time
  • tension: nervousness or uneasiness
  • termination: end of something, or process of ending something
  • theme: topic of speech or writing
  • thereby: as a result or this
  • uniform: always the same
  • vehicle: method, or any form of land transport
  • via: by way of, or by means of
  • virtually: almost or practically
  • widespread: existing or happening in many places
  • visual: relating to vision or sight

Sublist 9: Most Common Academic Words 481–541

  • accommodation: adjustment, agreement, or living place
  • analogous: similar or comparable in some ways
  • anticipated: expected something to happen
  • assurance: promise or confidence
  • attained: achieved or gained by effort
  • behalf: personal interest, benefit or representation
  • bulk: majority, or large size or weight of something
  • ceases: stops something or comes to an end
  • coherence: logical consistency, or integration of parts
  • coincide: to happen at the same time, or be similar
  • commenced: started
  • concurrent: happening at the same time
  • confined: limited or enclosed
  • controversy: disagreement or argument about an important topic
  • conversely: in the opposite way, on the other hand
  • device: scheme or thing invented for a specific purpose
  • devoted: gave time or effort to a purpose, activity or person
  • diminished: made smaller in size or importance
  • distortion: change of shape, or inaccurate description or reporting
  • duration: period of time that something lasts
  • erosion: gradual weakening or damage caused by nature
  • ethical: morally right
  • format: arrangement, layout or plan
  • founded: brought into existence, or based an idea on something
  • incompatible: unable to exist or work together effectively
  • inherent: existing as a natural and basic part of something
  • insights: discoveries or clear understandings of a complex issue
  • integral: necessary or important to complete a whole
  • intermediate: between two extremes or in the middle
  • manual: relating to, involving or done with hands
  • mature: completely grown or developed, or like an adult
  • mediation: negotiation between groups in conflict with each other
  • medium: means of transmitting, transporting, or communicating
  • military: relating to war or armed forces
  • minimal: very small, the smallest possible, or barely enough
  • mutual: felt or shared by each other or all
  • norms: accepted or usual standards or ways
  • overlap: correspond or coincide in part with something
  • passive: accepting without resistance, or not active
  • portion: part or share of a whole
  • preliminary: prior to or in preparation for the main activity or event
  • protocol: set of rules and procedures
  • qualitative: relating to quality
  • refine: improve something through small changes
  • relaxed: made rules or controls less severe
  • restraints: limitations or controls of the freedom of something
  • revolution: a sudden or important change in a situation
  • rigid: stiff and fixed, or not able to be changed or persuaded
  • route: way between places, or method of achieving something
  • scenario: imagined event, or model of expected outcomes
  • sphere: area of interest, knowledge or control
  • subordinate: of less importance or lower status
  • supplementary: extra, or supplying what is lacking
  • suspended: stopped something temporarily or permanently
  • team: organized group of people who work cooperatively
  • temporary: for a limited period
  • trigger: cause, or set off an action or series of actions
  • unified: brought together or combined as a whole
  • violation: action that breaks the rules
  • vision: sight, mental image, or ability to anticipate the future

Sublist 10: Most Common Academic Words 541–570

  • adjacent: next to, near, or touching
  • albeit: although, even though
  • assembly: a regular meeting of people, or putting parts together
  • collapse: fall down or fail suddenly
  • colleagues: people who work or study together at the same place
  • compiled: put together from various sources
  • conceived: gave birth, imagined, or invented
  • convinced: persuaded or lead someone to believe or do something
  • depression: unhappiness, or a period of little business activity
  • encountered: met unexpectedly, or experienced something undesired
  • enormous: very big
  • forthcoming: happening soon
  • inclination: slope, or the way a person feels about something
  • integrity: wholeness, honesty, or having principles
  • intrinsic: basic and essential, or by itself
  • invoked: used law or power to improve a situation
  • levy: to impose or collect a tax
  • likewise: similarly, also
  • nonetheless: despite this, nevertheless, notwithstanding
  • notwithstanding: despite this, nevertheless, nonetheless
  • odd: unusual, not even, or irregular
  • ongoing: in progress or happening now
  • panel: a small group of people chosen to give their opinions
  • persistent: continuing for a long time, or refusing to give up
  • posed: asked formally, caused a problem, or stayed in position
  • reluctant: unwilling or hesitant
  • so-called: commonly or falsely called
  • straightforward: easy to understand, or honest and frank
  • undergo: to experience of endure
  • whereby: by which or through which


Coxhead, A. (2000). "A new academic word list." TESOL Quarterly, 34(2), pp. 213–238.