Have questions? Need assistance? The College in the Schools Team is here to help!
CIS Staff
Emily Hanson
Director of Dual Enrollment
Emily leads both the CIS and PSEO teams. In CIS she is the contact for faculty coordinators, school administrators, and University departments with questions about partnership, program policy and compliance, and exploring new partnerships.
Jan M. Erickson
Associate Director
Jan leads, empowers and collaborates with CIS instructors, administrators, faculty coordinators, teams, and the Advisory Board to create and ensure equitable partnerships, and instructor and student support systems. She leads CIS forums and orientations. Feel free to connect with concerns or discussion.
Koleen Knudson
Program Manager
Koleen works with CIS instructors to manage course details such as syllabi collection and course section details. Koleen also assists instructor applicants during the application process. For instructor application questions, please email her at [email protected].
Sara Schroth
Associate Director of Dual Enrollment
Sara has been working in CCAPS since 2011 and loves supporting staff and students with varying identities, backgrounds, and interests. She transitioned to a new role as the Associate Director of Dual Enrollment and is thrilled to be working with such motivated students and staff in this program
Michael Maiorana
Events Specialist
Michael is part of the events team and provides support for Student Field Days and Professional Development Workshops, including reserving rooms and ordering food. You may see him at events validating parking and receiving food deliveries, and may hear from him regarding general inquiries through [email protected].
Hayden Ek
Events Specialist
Hayden is part of the events team and provides support for Student Field Days and Professional Development Workshops, including reserving rooms and ordering food.
Molly Olson
Operations Manager
Molly manages content for online resources including the CIS website and CIS Welcome site. Contact her for web content updates.
Phil Dudas
Student Experience, Learning, and Accessibility Manager, University Libraries
Phil supports the research needs of College in the Schools students and instructors by creating research guides, teaching instruction sessions, and answering reference questions. He can also help students access online library resources if they are having trouble.
Enrollment Services Staff
Jennifer Koontz
Director of Student Services
As director of Student Services in the college office, Jennifer is the contact for University academic policy and procedure related questions and concerns. Jennifer also handles academic appeals and historical record inquiries.
Coral Thacker
Enrollment Services Specialist
As an enrollment services specialist, Coral handles enrollment questions from students and teachers. She is the student and instructor contact for registration and class schedule questions, cancellation requests, and transcript and grading questions. Coral also handles billing related questions from high schools and billing contacts.
Media Inquiries
The ongoing success of College in the Schools at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities is made possible through our partnerships with stakeholders at the local, state, regional, and national levels.
We welcome media inquiries about the program. Please direct inquiries to Anastasia Faunce, Content Marketing Coodinator and Writer at [email protected] or Liz Turchin, Director of Content Marketing at [email protected].