University of Minnesota
College of Continuing and Professional Studies
Construction Management Advisory Board
Article I. Name
Section 1: The name of this association is the College of Continuing and Professional Studies (CCAPS) Construction Management Advisory Board (hereinafter the Board).
Article II. Purpose, Responsibilities, and Authority
Section 1: The purpose of the Board is to provide advice to the Construction Management program on issues such as academic accreditation, curriculum review, program development, student activities, internships, marketing and public outreach, and other initiatives that the Board shall deem appropriate to consider in support of the program. Advisory to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and the Academic Council of the College of Continuing and Professional Studies, the Board shall have wide latitude in recommending on policy, program, and curricular matters to the faculty and staff of the program. The Board serves the University and the College by examining all program issues with a supportive yet critical eye, a sense of the University's strategic interests, and a continuing concern for quality. While being sensitive to the needs of the construction management industry, the Board shall also be aware that the Construction Management degree, minor, and certificate programs must meet the highest academic standards of the University of Minnesota. The Board may recommend action on policy matters related to the Construction Management program as well as respond to requests by the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and/or the Departmental Director for Undergraduate Programs.
Section 2: Advice is understood to mean the following:
- Periodic review of the Construction Management curriculum and accreditation.
- Review of any new Construction Management curricular or programmatic initiatives proposed by CCAPS.
- Identification of ways to integrate the larger industry community into the program by coordinating with student groups, faculty, and staff on such matters as friend-raising; scholarship/endowment development; academic outreach; public relations; enrollment growth; and other matters.
- Setting standards and policies for membership on the Board.
- Serving as a resource on issues brought to the Board by CCAPS or other collegiate and/or private and public sector stakeholders.
- Identification of potential faculty, particularly adjunct faculty.
- Facilitation of industry activities in support of students and learning.
Article III. Membership
Section 1: The Board shall consist of at least 20 and no more than 35 voting members and a limited number of ex-officio (non-voting) members:
1.1 Voting Members: Voting members may be nominated by faculty, staff, or another sitting Board member to occupy a seat on the Board and will be invited to sit on the Board by the Departmental Director for Undergraduate Programs. Normal terms of appointment are three years, with unlimited reappointment possible but not assured, so that no more than one-third of the sitting Board is up for reappointment in any given year. However, initial terms may be for only one or two years so that terms are staggered. Terms start and end with the first day of the fall semester.
1.1.1 Representation – The Board shall strive to have at least one representative from each of the following sectors: general construction, highway/heavy, energy, housing, industrial/process, mechanical/electrical, subcontracting/fabrication, construction supply chain, testing, owner’s representatives, construction-related charitable organizations, industry trade associations, architectural and/or civil engineering firms, and higher education. No single company, association, or agency shall have more than one seat on the Board.
1.1.2 Representation by proxy – Members are selected to represent their sector generally and their organization specifically, and therefore members hold a seat on the Board. In the event an individual member who is not an officer of the Board cannot attend a meeting, a proxy representing the organization may be sent to the meeting in the regular member’s absence and retain voting privileges of the seat. Notice of such action must be provided to the Chair prior to the start of the meeting.
1.2 Active Student: One current student representative recommended by the Construction Management Student Association for invitation by the Departmental Director as a voting member for a one-year term. The student shall have completed or in progress at least 30 credits of CMgtdesignated major coursework at the time of appointment. Representation by proxy is not permitted for student members.
1.3 Program Faculty: Up to three full-time or adjunct faculty of the program, appointed by the Faculty Director, may serve as non-voting ex-officio members.
1.4 Adjunct Faculty: To the extent they are also seated as a voting member, adjunct faculty may exercise their voting authority, but adjunct faculty shall never represent more than three seats of the sitting Board membership, and shall refrain from voting on any matters related to curriculum and teaching.
Section 2: The Faculty Director for Construction Management, Program Director for Applied and Professional Studies, Departmental Director for Undergraduate Programs, and the Associate Dean for Academic Programs will serve as non-voting ex-officio members.
Section 3: Individuals representing the Associate Deans for Academics of the College of Design and the College of Science and Engineering may also serve as non-voting ex-officio members. These individuals shall be designated by their respective heads of program. Attendance by proxy is permitted.
Section 4: In the event that an individual member can no longer serve on the Board, that member shall notify the Chair in writing of their intent to resign. The resigning member is encouraged to nominate a permanent replacement member for the seat to fill out the remaining term. If the resigning member cannot recommend a replacement to fill their seat on the Board from within their company or organization, the Departmental Director may appoint a replacement for the balance of the term.
Section 5: Each Board member serves individually at the discretion of the College of Continuing and Professional Studies and represents one seat on the entire Board. Attendance by each member or their designated proxy is important to ensure that the Board is effective in its mission. Consistent inability to attend Board meetings may result in discontinuation of membership on the Board.
Article IV. Officers and Committees
Section 1: Officers shall be elected by voting members of the Board to a three-year term. Officer positions on the Board are as follows:
1.1 Chair - The Board will be chaired by a voting member who will provide leadership and administrative direction to the Board and will have discretion for bringing matters to a vote outside of a general meeting of the Board.
1.2 Vice-Chair - The Vice-Chair will be a voting member who shall also chair the Academic Committee.
1.3 Secretary - The position of Secretary will be filled by a non-voting program staff member selected by the Departmental Director and shall keep a record of all activities of the Board at the direction of the Chair.
Section 2: The process for selection of officers for the Board will be as follows:
2.1: Members may nominate themselves or another member as a candidate for the office in question to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will prepare a slate of candidates and accept nominations from the floor.
2.2: Selection will be by acclamation, voice vote, or ballot, as directed by the Board Chair.
Section 3: Membership for committees will be drawn from the Board membership, program faculty and staff, and other faculty, staff, and/or students who may or may not be members of the Board but have been recommended to the committee by the Program Director for Applied and Professional Studies. The heads of all committees shall be Board members appointed by the Board Chair, and serve at the pleasure of the Chair. A Board member may serve on more than one committee.
Section 4: Standing Committees
4.1 Executive Committee (EC) will be made up of five voting Board members: the Chair, the Vice- Chair, the Development Committee Chair, the Student Activities and Outreach Chair, and one at large member. The Chair of the Board shall also be the Chair of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will address Board business at the direction of the Board, and is charged with carrying out the routine business of the Board between full meetings of the Board, to oversee generally the activities of each committee, and to provide regular coordination and communication with faculty and staff of the program. A quorum for the Executive Committee shall be three members.
4.2 Academic Committee (AC) will be made up of at least three members, including the Board Vice- Chair (who chairs the committee), the Faculty Director, and one other voting member selected by the Board Chair. Proposals for any academic or curricular changes to be reviewed by the Board will first be evaluated by the Academic Committee before being presented to the Board. The Academic Committee shall also be the primary oversight committee for relationships or initiatives on academic accreditation or professional standing.
4.3 Development Committee (DC) shall focus on means and methods of fundraising for scholarship, endowment, and other special requirements of the program, and will develop, adopt, and manage a Development Plan endorsed by the Board. The Development Committee will be made up of at least two committee members, and only the head need be a voting member. The head of the Development Committee will be appointed by the Board Chair, will hold a seat on the Executive Committee, and will select the other members of the committee with approval of the Chair. The University, and other staff as required, to develop, modify, and execute the Development Plan.
4.4 Student Activities and Outreach Committee (SAOC) shall focus on any activities that reinforce the student experience at the University and within the industry at large, and promote the goodwill of the Construction Management program specifically to the broader industry constituency and the public, and shall consist of at least two committee members. The head of the Student Activities and Outreach Committee will be appointed by the Chair and will hold a seat on the Executive Committee, and will select the other members of the committee with approval of the Chair. It is recommended that the SAOC include at least one current student, the chair of the Construction Student Association, or a recent alumnus.
Section 5: Ad Hoc Committees
5.1 Bylaws Committee will be made up of at least two committee members. The head of the Bylaws Committee will be appointed by the Chair when a member requests a change to the Bylaws. The head of the Bylaws Committee will select at least one other voting or non-voting member of the Board with approval of the Chair. All proposed amendments to the Bylaws will be evaluated by the Bylaws Committee before being presented in full text to the Board for adoption (see Article IX).
5.2 Other Committees. The Board may appoint other ad hoc committees as needed. The chairs and members of these committees will be appointed by the Board Chair after consultation with the Faculty Director.
Article V. Parliamentary Authority
Section 1: General meetings of the Board will follow the procedures set forth in Robert’s Rules of Order.
Article VI. Meetings
Section 1: Meetings shall be held at least once each fall and spring semester, or more often as determined by the Chair in consultation with the Faculty Director. Members will be informed about meeting dates, times, locations, and topics in advance through email only unless standard mail notification is specifically requested by a member in advance.
Section 2: Committees will meet as necessary at the direction of their committee chair.
Article VII. Voting Rules
Section 1: Where votes are required or recommended by the Chair, members must be present to vote, except for electronic balloting (see Section 3). Members are deemed to be present for a meeting if appearing in person at the scheduled time and place, or if present via a remote conferencing connection and thus deemed eligible to vote at that meeting. Absentee ballots will not be used in any case. Since this is an advisory body, voting is not required except if requested by the Chair or otherwise required herein.
Section 2: A quorum must be present to hold a vote at a meeting. The presence of a majority of the voting membership of the Board constitutes a quorum.
Section 3: Routine business matters requiring a Board vote may be brought for electronic balloting in lieu of a meeting in the form of a motion, at the discretion of the Chair. The Chair will forward the motion in the form of a ballot; the ballot must be approved by the Executive Committee before the ballot is sent to all voting members. Ballots shall be returned to the Chair within a specified time period of no fewer than six working days following ballot distribution. Motions will be passed by a simple majority of votes received by the deadline (except in the case of amendments to these Bylaws; see Article VIII, Section 2). Motions can be withdrawn by the maker of the motion with approval of the Chair. Electronic ballots shall include an option to waive voting and defer the matter to the next scheduled Board meeting for discussion, which will occur if selected by at least 10 percent of the votes received.
Section 4: Information on all matters requiring a vote by the Board will be provided to all members via email (or regular mail only if requested in advance by a member) prior to being considered at a general meeting.
Section 5: There shall be no options for absentee ballots. When required, voting shall be by email if by electronic balloting, or voice vote or show of hands at the discretion of the Chair, unless requested by at least 10 percent of the members present to be by secret ballot.
Article VIII. Bylaws
Section 1: All actions heretofore taken by the Board are deemed to be in the spirit and intent of these Bylaws.
Section 2: Any member may propose changes or amendments to the Bylaws.
Section 3: The Bylaws Committee will evaluate proposed amendments and make recommendations to the full Board for a vote at either a general meeting of the council or via electronic ballot. Any change to these Bylaws must be approved by a two-thirds majority of those voting members present at the meeting, or two-thirds of the electronic ballots cast, for the amendment to pass.
First Adopted by the Construction Management Advisory Board: November 4, 2010