We are committed to helping you graduate. Here's a checklist you can use to track your progress, along with a semester-level course calendar.
Foundation and Preparatory Courses and Liberal Education Requirements
- ABUS 4022W Management in Organizations, 3 cr (online)
- ACCT 2051 Introduction to Financial Reporting, 4 cr
- CMGT 4003 BIM/AutoCAD for Construction Managers, 2 cr (Tues)
- CMGT 3001W Introduction to Construction, 3 cr (Mon)
- CMGT 3011 Construction Plan Reading, 2 cr (Tues)
- COMM 1101 Introduction to Public Speaking, 3 cr
- ECON 1101 Principles of Microeconomics, 4 cr
- MATH 1042 Math of Design, 4 cr (fall)
- PHYS 1101W Introductory College Physics I, 4 cr
- WRIT 1301W University Writing, 4 cr
- Liberal Education courses
CORE: Arts/Humanities, Historical Perspective, Literature, Biological Science w/lab, Social Sciences
THEMES: Diversity & Social Justice, Technology & Society, Civic Life & Ethics, Environment and Global Perspectives.
Email academic advisors Megan Seltz [email protected] or Teresa Fruen [email protected]
Two-Year Sample Graduation Plan
Here is a snapshot of what two years of upper-division courses could look like. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of all the courses you'll take to complete your degree. You'll need to work with your academic advisor to develop a course plan that's right for you.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Online | |
Fall 14 cr |
CMGT 4011 |
CMGT 4031 |
CMGT 4021 |
CMGT 4471 CMGT 4022 |
Spring 14 cr |
CMGT 4542 |
Tech elective, 2 cr |
CMGT 4041W |
ABUS 4101 ABUS 4545 |
Summer 1 cr |
CMGT 4196 |
CMGT 4196 |
CMGT 4196 |
CMGT 4196 |
Fall 15 cr |
CEGE 3202 CMGT 4562 |
Tech elective, 2 cr | Tech elective, 2 cr |
CMGT 4544 |
CMGT 4201 ABUS 4013W |
Spring 12 cr |
Tech elective, 2 cr |
CMGT 4861 |
CMGT 4545 |
ABUS 4701 |