CMGT 4422

About This Course

Building upon the foundations of Construction Estimating, this course will examine more advanced estimating concepts of procurement, productivity, and value engineering. Working in teams, students will develop and deliver a competitive bid for a real project and will examine ways to meet the owner’s budget and expectations through strategic value engineering approaches.

Sample textbook: R.S. Means, Building Construction Cost Data.


Kelly Hovde
Kelly Hovde

MBA, Opus College of Business, University of St. Thomas; MEng, construction engineering and management, University of Michigan Ann Arbor; BS, architecture, University of Minnesota Twin Cities

Kelly Hovde recently started on the project management team for M.A. Mortenson Company in the Twin Cities. Before Mortenson, Kelly worked at The Opus Group for 11 years, with design-build projects in residential, institutional, and office sectors. She has also worked in the highway-heavy industry, including the light rail Central Corridor through the University Campus. Outside of work, Kelly enjoys kayaking, rock climbing, skiing, hiking with her dog, and volunteering with a scout camp.

  • CMGT 4422 – Advanced Construction Cost Estimating

Information Subject to Change

Course details, syllabus, and instructor are subject to change. Current course details can be found by clicking on the Term link(s) above.