HSEX 6212

About This Course

This course will focus on the fundamentals and clinical application of sex therapy for couples and individuals. Course materials will address assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the broad spectrum of sexual health concerns. In addition, it will address theories of practice, and implications for special populations, with emphasis on biopsychosocial dimensions of health.


Abby Girard
Abby Girard

Abby Girard is an assistant professor and coordinator of the Relationship and Sex Therapy Program. She was the second Michael E. Metz postdoctoral fellow at the Program in Human Sexuality, U of M. Her clinical training has included psychotherapy experience in community counseling centers, outpatient sexual medicine clinics, and treating individuals and couples in private practice. Dr. Girard’s areas of interest include sexual health and functioning, sexual desire discrepancy, compulsive sexual behavior, gender and sexual identity development, couples/relationship intimacy concerns, sexual trauma/abuse recovery, and social justice advocacy. She received her MA from the University of San Diego and her PsyD in  from Alliant International University, both in Marital and Family Therapy.

Information Subject to Change

For more course information, visit the U of M Schedule Builder closer to the start of the term or contact the department.