HSEX 6015
Delivery MethodFully online
About This Course
This course will provide information on sexual intimacy, pleasure, and sexual well-being. It will explore the theoretical understandings of pleasure, and the historical and cultural considerations in understanding sexual pleasure and intimacy. This course will also cover emerging issues as they pertain to intimacy, pleasure, and sexual well-being. This course will utilize readings, discussion forums, and an applied final project to foster students’ theoretical, empirical, and sociocultural understanding of sexual intimacy, pleasure, and well-being.

Kristen Mark is the Joycelyn Elders Endowed Chair for Sexual Health Education and Professor in Family Medicine and Community Health at the University of Minnesota Medical School, as well as the Director of Graduate Studies for the MPS in Sexual Health. Her research centers around sexual well-being, specifically the maintenance of sexual and relationship satisfaction and sexual desire in long-term relationships, sexual function and dysfunction, sexual trauma, and sexual desire discrepancy. Dr. Mark holds degrees in psychology, family science, biostatistics, and public health. Her research has been published in top journals in the field and she has presented her work through hundreds of talks nationally and internationally.