Use this print-friendly information on when classes are offered to map out your four-year Health Services Management Bachelor's Degree program.
* Fulfills a Liberal Education requirement
** Fulfills a Writing Intensive requirement
First Year
Fall Semester
- Microeconomics (APEC 1101 or ECON 1101, 4 cr)*
- Medical Terminology (PHAR 1002, 2 cr)
- Intro to Public Speaking (COMM 1101, 3 cr)*
- Lower Division Writing Intensive (3 cr)**
- Literature Liberal Education Requirement (3 cr)*
Spring Semester
- Statistics (EPSY 3264 or BA 2551 or STAT 3011 or SOC 3811 or PSY 3801, 3 or 4 cr)
- Race, Power, and Justice Liberal Education Requirement (3 cr)*
- Freshman Composition (WRIT 1301, 1401, or equiv, 4 cr)*
- Physical Science Liberal Education Requirement w/lab (4 cr)*
- Applications of Excel in Economics and Management (APEC 1201, 1 cr)
Second Year
Fall Semester
- Accounting (APEC 1251 or ACCT 2051, 4 cr)
- Health Care Delivery Systems (HSM 3521, 3 cr)
- Arts/Humanities Liberal Education Requirement (3 cr)*
- Historical Perspectives Liberal Education Requirement (3 cr)*
- Personal and Community Health (PUBH 3001, 2 cr)
Spring Semester
- Health Care Administration and Management (HSM 4561W, 3 cr)**
- Career and Internship Skills in a Professional HSM Environment (HSM 3051, 2 cr)
- Biological Sciences Liberal Education Requirement (4 cr)*
- HSM Major Elective (3 cr)
- Elective (3 cr)
Third Year
Fall Semester
- Project and Program Management in Health Services Management (HSM 4043, 3 cr)
- Human Resources in Health Care Settings (HSM 4531, 3 cr)
- Health Care Law and Ethics (HSM 4591, 3 cr)
- HSM Major Elective, Writing Intensive (3 cr)**
- Elective (3 cr)
Spring Semester
- Health Care Finance (HSM 4541, 3 cr)
- Health Care Quality & Patient Safety Management (HSM 4301, 3 cr)
- Information Privacy and Security in Health Services Management (HSM 4065, 3 cr)*
- HSM Major Elective, Writing Intensive (3 cr)**
- Elective (3 cr)
Fourth Year
Fall Semester
- Inclusion and Equity in Health Care Management (HSM 4521, 3 cr)
- Applied Health Economics (HSM 3101, 3 cr)
- HSM Major Elective (3 cr)
- HSM Major Elective (3 cr)
- Elective (3 cr)
Spring Semester
- Capstone (HSM 4861, 3 cr)
- HSM Internship (HSM 4596, 1 cr)
- HSM Major Elective (3 cr)
- HSM Major Elective (4 cr)
- Elective (3 cr)