• Abstract Formats: 20-minute oral presentations (15 minutes of presentation time and 5 minutes for Q&A and transition); posters, including pop-up poster presentations; and special sessions. Details below.
  • Pop-Up Presentations: The conference will also solicit brief pop-up presentations from accepted poster presenters.

Abstract Requirements

Thank you for your interest in submitting an abstract for the MN Water Resources Conference. Below are the requirements needed for your abstract submission:

  • Objectives and results of the research, policy, implementation plan, or project
  • Engineering approaches or techniques of project implementation
  • Brief summary of methodologies used in the study or project
  • IMPORTANT: Results of the project and expected completion date

Submit Abstract

Presentation Formats

Abstract submitters may select from the following presentation formats.

Oral Presentations

Oral sessions are intended for presentations that significantly advance knowledge and are based on completed studies or projects. Syntheses presentations that capture multiple related efforts are encouraged. The traditional conference presentation format: 15 minutes of presentation time and 5 minutes for Q&A and transition. Presentations will be included in a session of four presentations that center around a common topic, theme, or thread. Some oral presentations may be invited to present as part of a special session depending on the selected topic area.

Posters, Including Pop-up Poster Presentations

Ideally suited for person-to-person interaction and gaining valuable feedback on your work, posters are appropriate for all WRC-relevant topics. Posters are especially encouraged for early and middle stages of projects; case studies; a deeper dive into technical aspects than is typically possible in an oral presentation; and student/early-career presenters. 

Poster presenters receive a 4’x4’ poster space available through the entire conference. The conference will also solicit brief pop-up presentations from accepted poster presenters. Pop-up presentations are two-minute "advertisements" for your poster, presented in the oral sessions (see the tips sheet for more details and samples). The Conference will accommodate as many pop-up presentations as the conference format allows to garner increased engagement with the poster session. Please indicate your willingness to present a pop-up when you submit your abstract.

Topics of Interest

Agricultural Water Issues
Aquatic Biota
Climate Change/Resiliency
Contaminants of Emerging Concern
Drinking Water/Water Supply
Education and Citizen Involvement
Emerging Issues
Engineering Solutions and Applications
Equity and Environmental Justice
Flood Protection
Green Infrastructure
Innovative Technologies

Invasive Species
Low Impact Development
Policy and Standards
Rivers, Streams, and Floodplains
Social Science/Human Dimensions
Water Resource Sustainability
Water Reuse
Watershed Management


NOTE: All accepted concurrent and poster session presenters and co-presenters are required to register and pay registration fees in order to present at the conference.