Jim Robinson has had a dual career in psychology and theater, melding improvisation and mental health in many different situations. He taught psychology at Saint Catherine University and the University of St. Thomas for over 20 years, creating and implementing the course “Improvisation and Mental Health” for both schools. He has worked as an improvisation and presentation instructor at the Guthrie Theater, the Brave New Student Union, and with Teach for Myanmar in Yangon.
Jim is an alumnus of the Brave New Workshop mainstage, the Disney Cruise Line’s Off-Beat Comedy Club, the Minnesota Historical Society’s “History on a Schtick,” and he is a current member of The Theater of Public Policy. Jim is also co-founder and executive producer of Table Salt Productions, an independent theater dedicated to creating and producing original works in the Twin Cities. Along with Dennis Curley, Jim has cowritten numerous productions including Whistling Past the Graveyard and the musicals Love After Hours and Psych 101 and was a Fulbright Specialist, creating improvisation curricula in Pakistan.
Jim instructed the courses Communicating in the Moment and Develop Effective Business Conversation Skills, and he presented the webinar, "Embodied Communication" for CCAPS.