A long-time hydrologist for the State of Minnesota, Mike Trojan is responsible for maintaining the Minnesota Stormwater Manual at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Mike’s work on the manual and his engagement with practitioners will have lasting impacts on stormwater management in Minnesota. Through laborious effort, the manual was converted from an 850-page document into an accessible and searchable online format. It has become a widely used source in Minnesota and beyond, earning a reputation for the depth and quality of its content. To keep the manual current, Mike has overseen, and stays actively engaged with, stormwater research to identify and incorporate the latest findings. He also developed digital tools such as the Minimal Impact Design Standards calculator and provides updates to them through the online manual. Mike’s impact on the stormwater community goes well beyond content creation, however. Through training, presentations, and discussion forums, he seeks input to ensure the manual is relevant for practitioners. His work has been accomplished with honesty, scientific integrity, openness, inclusion, and a self-deprecating style of humor that draws out diverse perspectives. Along the way, Mike has been a treasured mentor to those who work around him.