Rajean Moone
Faculty Director, Long Term Care Administration

Rajean’s professional career is dedicated to eliminating ageism and working on age-friendly initiatives that support the inclusion of older adults in society. In the past Rajean worked with the state unit on aging, area agencies on aging, and Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging. He aided in the founding of Training to Serve (LGBTQ nonprofit), the Minnesota Diverse Elders Coalition, and Finish Strong Funders Network for Aging Services. He holds a BA in Psychology, a MS degree in Gerontology, a PhD in Social Work, and a MN nursing home administrator’s license and assisted living director license. Rajean joined academia full time in 2018 in a position spread across the University of Minnesota campus with roles in the College of Continuing and Professional Studies, Center for Healthy Aging & Innovation (CHAI), and MN Northstar GWEP. 

Rajean is appointed to the Governor’s Council on an Age-Friendly Minnesota. He started in CHAI as the Associate Director of Education where he relaunched the Aging Studies Interdisciplinary Group organization for students studying aging, Graduate Minor in Gerontology, professional workshop series, and initiated the Age-Friendly University collaboration. He currently serves as CHAI’s Associate Director for Policy and serves as the lead for the Age-Friendly University Council. He serves on the board of the MN Association of Geriatrics Inspired Clinicians, Care Providers of Minnesota Foundation, Stevens Square Foundation, and FamilyMeans. He is a Fellow of the Gerontological Society of America, a lifetime member of the Minnesota Gerontological Society, Hartford Fellow, McNair Scholar, and a Health and Aging Policy Fellow.

  • HSM 4582 – Practicum in Long Term Care