We are three weeks into our new reality, as COVID-19 has swept across the country. The call to self-quarantine and practice social distancing came abruptly to CCAPS, as I’m sure it did to all of you. Throughout the flurry of news headlines and fast-changing circumstances, our primary concern has been, and remains, the health of our students, faculty, and staff. Every decision we’ve made has been to promote the safety and well-being of our community.
In the midst of the challenges COVID-19 brings, I am extremely proud of how CCAPS and the University have risen to the occasion. Proud of the long hours faculty and instructional design teams put in to accommodate the rapid shift to remote instruction for CCAPS degree programs, boot camps, and some professional development courses. Proud of our students for quickly adapting to a new way of learning. Proud of the professional transition staff made to working from home. Proud of keeping the CCAPS community informed about resources and updates. And of course, proud of the magnanimous people at this institution, and in CCAPS, who do their best every day to provide high-quality education for all our learners.
The University has stepped up to face the challenge this epidemic brings head-on, with new stories and insight emerging every day. Experts such as Professor Michael Osterholm, Dr. Timothy Schacker, and many others are quoted daily in the national press and are providing advice to civic leaders. Earlier this week it was announced that the U and the Mayo Clinic are close to unveiling antibody tests that can determine if people have already been infected by the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 and are no longer threats to get or spread the infection. This work and more make us proud to be part of the U of M community.
CCAPS is doing its part, too! For CCAPS students lacking the technology to accommodate online learning at home, we have loaned them laptops. Our advisors have created selfie videos to send a warm message to advisees and prospective students that they are still available to chat. On April 13, Faculty Director of our Long Term Care Administration program, Dr. Rajean Moone, will be leading a webinar on caring for aging parents and loved ones in this time of uncertainty. On a daily basis, we all work to minimize the disruption and maximize the learning.
Thank you for being part of the CCAPS community. Your support is greatly appreciated during these unprecedented circumstances. Given the examples of good will, creativity, and hard work I see every day at CCAPS and the University, I’m confident that we’ll emerge from these trying times stronger than before. Take good care, be safe, and stay healthy!
Bob Stine, Dean
Published: April 2, 2020