All the news that's fit to print or record or share! This web page is great place to learn about when and where OLLI at the University of Minnesota leaders appear in the news.
Older Students Attend Classes, Find Community at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
This MN Daily article delves into the who and what of OLLI, and includes comments from Director Kate Schaefers; Advisory Board chair Nancy Allen; and member and instructor George Dow.
Dow, a career transition and retirement coach, weighs in on the subjects he teaches for OLLI—retirement, architecture, his favorite TED Talks and movies—and how OLLI has given him, "a way to learn and connect with his peers."
Dow also speaks about his experience as an OLLI student. In particular, an undergraduate honors psychology class for which he facilitated class discussions as an instructor.
“The students were amazing,” Dow said. “They were so, so wise and so bright. It was a really positive experience. My wife and I were both in this class, and we’re thinking, ‘Hey, the future looks good. These kids are really sharp and really wise.’ So that class especially stuck out in my memory.”
Written by by Avery Vrieze, you can read the complete article on the MN Daily website.
Published February 10, 2025
The Joys of Learning
OLLI Director Kate Schaefers joins Minnesota Live (KSTP-TV) to discuss OLLI at the University of Minnesota and the joys of learning. Watch the segment.
Aired September 16, 2024
Finding Your Groove in Retirement
For many people, happiness is … retirement.
But what that means varies from person to person. Some people savor every minute of their retirement, while others fret over what to do with their newfound time or worry about money.
Yet studies show that older adults are happier than middle-age and younger people.
Retirement can be the best time of life partly because “people have more freedom of choice — they can decide how they use their time and energy,” said Kate Schaefers, a psychologist and director of the University of Minnesota’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). “Retirement often is a reset … slowing down and enjoying life more.”
Learn the steps you can take to make retirement the best time in your life in this Star Tribune article written by Sheryl Jean.
Published August 7, 2024
Introducing OLLI
Hat's off to OLLI at the U of M member Lucinda McGray who wrote an article about her OLLI experiences for the Bryn Mawr Bugle. What a great way to spread the word about the joys of shared community and learning! Read Lucinda's article in the Bugle.
Published August 2024
Mid- to Late-Career Résumé Tips for Professionals Re-entering the Job Market
Head's up, mid- to late-career job seekers: "Ageism is real," says OLLI Director Kate Schaefers "The data are clear that someone with a really long résumé that has things that are 30 years old, that there is some hesitation out there in looking at bringing them in for interviews." Learn what you can do to land an interview in this Star Tribune article.
Published July 8, 2024
How the Tight Labor Market Is Impacting Ageism in the Workplace
MPR News guest host Chris Farrell talks with Kate Schaefers, director of the Osher Lifelong Institute at the UMN and Rajean Moone, faculty director for Long Term Care Administration programs, about what ageism looks like in 2024, and how to reframe ideas about aging and older workers. Listen to the MPR News podcast.
Recorded April 15, 2024.
Talking Happy and Healthy Retirement
In this Q and A, OLLI Director Kate Schaefers answers questions about easing the transition to retirement and embracing this next stage of life. Since its initial publication on March 26, 2024, the piece has appeared in numerous periodicals, including Owatanna People's Press, Isanti Chisago Star, Rainy Lake Gazette, Alexandria Echo Press, Tri-County News, Park Rapids Enterprise, White Bear Press, Worthington Daily Globe, Hoodline Minneapolis, Driven for Greater Minnesota, and U of M Alumni e-News.
Ageism in the Workforce: Headwinds and Opportunities for the 55 and Older Worker
OLLI Director Kate Schaefers is a panelist for this KFAI Radio (90.3 FM) Wave Project discussion about headwinds and opportunities for older workers. Host Steve Jewell digs into the challenges and implicit biases workers who are 55+ may face and asks: Has anything changed in the last five years? Listen to the Fresh Air Radio podcast.
Recorded March 3, 2024.