Our mission is to prepare future construction leaders to sustainably manage the built environment. Founded in 1997, the program has gained significant support from industry and alumni over our program's history, blending technology and management into a well-rounded yet flexible curriculum.
The Bachelor of Science (BASc.) in Construction Management is fully accredited by the Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission of ABET, the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology.
Mission and Goals
University of Minnesota Mission and Goals:
The University of Minnesota prepares students to meet the great challenges facing our state, our nation, and our world.
College of Continuing and Professional Studies Mission Statement:
Providing high-quality continuing education and lifelong learning opportunities for professional development, personal enrichment, career transitions, and academic growth.
Construction Management Mission Statement:
Preparing future construction leaders to sustainably manage the built environment.
Construction Management Program Goals:
- Graduate well-qualified major/minor/certificate students
- Partner with the University of Minnesota College of Design (CDES), College of Science and Engineering (CSE), Bio-Based Engineering (BBE), and the Housing Studies program to serve the construction industry
- Collaborate with other regional construction management programs to serve industry
- Develop industry relationships to support student contact with industry mentors, internships, and employment
- Contribute to the growth and improvement of the construction industry
Student Learning Outcomes
These goals are driven by six program-level learning outcomes, which in turn are supported by 30 competencies.
Program Quality
Please see the Annual Report for a full description of the assessment processes.
Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)
The Quality Improvement Plan outlines our process for continuous assessment and improvement, via rigorous annual reviews, of the program goals, objectives, curriculum, faculty, and resources. The QIP represents collaboration with our faculty, staff, program directors, students, and advisory board. All recommended changes and additions are carried out as appropriate.
See Appendix A of the Annual Report for the QIP. Figure A1 and Table A1 provide an overview of our Quality Assessment Cycle. Subcomponents of this Plan (overall program, courses, students, faculty, and advising) are provided in sub-Appendices A1 through A5.
Academic Quality Plan
A central feature of our QIP is the Academic Quality Plan, used to measure the effectiveness of our instruction.
The Academic Quality Plan is provided in Appendix B of the Annual Report.
Table B1 provides the metrics used in evaluating our instructional success in achieving our five Student Learning Outcomes, and it lists the Program Level Competencies that inform each of these Learning Outcomes. The entire curriculum is being mapped according to the outcome, the competency, courses the competency is being covered in, and how each is assessed. The assessment results are incorporated into the curriculum as they become available.
Table B2 provides the metrics used in evaluating our program-level success in achieving our five Program Goals, along with the results and future goals.
Annual Plan
Overall program initiatives for further achievement of the five program goals and continuous improvement of program quality, and their progress, are fully described in our Annual Plan, provided in Appendix C of the Annual Report.