• Apply By
    Fall Priority: March 1; Final: Aug 1 | Spring Priority: Oct 1; Final: Dec 1
  • Admission GPA
  • Total Credits
    120 (including 30 for admission)

Prepare for a Career in Health Care

The BS in Health and Wellbeing Sciences degree equips you with a solid foundation in the biological, physical, and social sciences as they relate to the health and well-being industry. Working closely with your advisor, you'll choose an interdisciplinary blend of courses in communication and management, fitness and nutrition, ethics, and more.

In addition, you can focus on a specific area of interest, so you'll be ready to enter the workforce or pursue graduate or professional school. Our experienced advisors will help you design a degree that matches your goals an interests.


Your health and wellness degree will consist of 120 total credits, with at least 50 upper-division credits. Your advisor will help you pick the right course. 

Please note that some courses in the Health and Wellbeing Core may have prerequisites that are not included within the Foundation Prerequisites. The courses numbers below refer to University of Minnesota courses.

A grade of C- or better is required in these courses

Category Course(s)
Biology BIOL 1009
Chemistry (Pick one option)

Option A: CHEM 1061/1065 AND CHEM 1062/1066
CHEM 1081/1065 AND CHEM 1082/1086
Option B: CHEM 1015 with CHEM 1017 AND BIOC 2011

Economics (Pick one) APEC/ECON 1101 (preferred) or APEC/ECON 1102
Nutrition FSCN 1112
Social Science (Pick one) ANTH 1003W, ANTH 1005W, EPSY 1281, FSOS 1101, FSOS 1201, FSOS 1211, GEOG 1301, PSY 1001, SOC 1001


In this online course, you will complete a proposal of study and formulate a plan of courses to complete your degree. This should be the first course you take after you're admitted and is required as of fall 2020.

A grade of C- or better and a minimum 2.0 GPA is required in these courses.

CategoryCourses (Pick One)
AnatomyANAT 3001, ANAT 3651, ANAT 3611, KIN 3027
CommunicationABUS 4023W, ABUS 4571W, KIN 5203, PHAR 3206, WRIT 3029W, 3221W, 3257, 3405W, 3562W, 3577W
EthicsBTHX 5100, 5300, NURS 4402, PHAR 4204W, PHIL 3302W, PHIL 3305
Health and FitnessKIN 3001
Integrative HealthCSPH 3001 (preferred), CSPH 5101, CSPH 1001
Management/EconomicsABUS 4022W, ABUS 4501, ABUS 4705, ABUS 4707, HSM 3521, HSM 4541, HSM 4561W, MGMT 3001, MGMT 3010, PUBH 3801
NutritionCSPH 5431, FSCN 3612, 3614, 3615, 4112, 4612, 4614 or FSCN/CSPH 3301, PUBH 3905
PathologyLAMP 4177
PhysiologyBIOL 3211, KIN 3385, PHSL 3051, PHSL 3061
Public HealthPUBH 3001
StatisticsEPSY 3264, NURS 3710, PSY 3801, SOC 3811, STAT 3011, STAT 3021
TerminologyPHAR 5201 (preferred), PHAR 1002


Choose one course from the list below. Talk to your advisor about other related courses that may be considered.

  • Career and Internship Preparation (ICP/CFAN 3201)
  • Making the Most of Your Professional Experience (CFAN 3096)
  • Career Search for the Professional Environment (ABUS 3051 )
  • Writing a Personal Statement (AHS 2400)
  • Career Planning (ID 3201)

Courses in your focus area will be selected with the help of your advisor.

  • Business
  • Communication
  • Integrative Health and Healing
  • Life Sciences
  • Neuroscience
  • Nutrition
  • Pharmacology
  • Pre-dental
  • Pre-med
  • Pre-physician assistant
  • Psychology
  • Public Health
  • Sexuality
  • Sociology
  • Youth Studies

All U of M students in baccalaureate degree programs are required to complete general University requirements, including writing and liberal education courses. For more information about these course requirements, see the liberal education requirements.

To reach the 50 upper-division credits required for the major, students may increase course selections within the Focus Area or add related supporting coursework. This courses below are only suggestions.

  • The Color of Public Policy (AAS/AFRO/AMIN/CHIC 4231)
  • Marketing for the Professional Practice (ABUS 4703)
  • Cultural Histories of Healing (ANTH 4075)
  • Geography of Health/Health Care (GEOG 3411W)
  • Blood, Bodies and Science (GWSS 3202)
  • History of Medicine (HMED 3001W)
  • Drugs and the U.S. Health Care System (PHAR4200W)
  • Pharmacology for Pre-Med and Life Sciences (PHCL 3100)
  • Abnormal Psychology (PSY 3604)
  • Sociology of Health and Illness (SOC 4246)

Students who plan to go on to graduate or professional schools will also need to plan for prerequisites for those specific programs, some of which may not be included in the Health and Wellbeing curriculum. Examples include calculus, physics and abnormal psychology.

Career Paths

Here are just a few fields where health and wellness majors can find fulfilling job opportunities: 

  • Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing 
  • Chiropractic, Physician Assistant, Occupational Therapy 
  • Psychology, Counseling, Marriage and Family Therapy 
  • Medical Social Work, Integrative Medicine 
  • Corporate Wellness, Wellness Coaching 
  • Medical Device Sales, Pharmaceutical Sales 
  • Public Health, Health Care Administration, Insurance 
  • Wellness Business Ownership, and much more.

Admissions Advising

Jeff Olsen Krengel enrollment advisor

Meet Jeff Olsen Krengel

I work with prospective students interested in our undergraduate applied science majors and those who want to design their own degree program. I’m available to answer your questions and help you find a program that meets your needs.

In my free time, I can be found reading, running with my son, or visiting a brewery. I am an avid sports fan cheering for the Green Bay Packers, Minnesota United FC, and Liverpool FC. 

Give me a call at 612-625-4340. Or you can send me a message or request an appointment below.

Transfer admission events


Fall Semester Application Deadline | Priority: March 1; Final: August 1
Spring Semester Application Deadline | Priority: October 1; Final: December 1

We will consider all applications received by the priority deadline for each term. Applications received between the priority deadline and the final deadline will be considered if space is available.

Before You Apply

The Health and Wellbeing Sciences degree welcomes students who have completed at least 30 college credits, which will count toward your 120 credit total. You can apply if you don’t have 30 credits completed yet, but you should first talk to advisor Jeff Olsen Krengel.

Application Steps

  1. Make an appointment with advisor Jeff Olsen Krengel to discuss your goals and interests.
  2. Work with Jeff to apply for admission.

While developing your proposal, you can begin registering for courses.

If you have questions about transferring to CCAPS, visit our Transfer Admissions webpage.

What We Look For

  • Completion of 30 credits, including one biology course with lab and one chemistry course, preferably with lab
  • GPA of 2.5+
  • Performance in relevant coursework
  • Demonstrated ability to meet expectations of individualized education

Apply (Current U Student) Apply (Transfer Student)

How to Find Out If Your Credits Will Transfer

The Health and Wellbeing Sciences major may accept credits from courses you’ve already taken, either at the University or Minnesota or elsewhere.

The guides below will help you see which community college courses will transfer to the HWS program. Don’t see your community college listed here? Contact us at [email protected].

Additional Resources

  • Transferology | A free online service to see how your courses might transfer to the U
  • APAS | Current U of M students can run a "what if" report to see how their credits might fulfill program requirements
  • CCAPS Transfer Admissions

Have a specific question? Contact enrollment advisor Jeff Olsen-Krengel to talk about your individual coursework.

Frequently Asked Questions

The two terms are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference. According to WebMD Health Services, wellness refers to just one aspect of a person’s overall health, like physical or mental wellness. Each area of wellness adds up to a complete picture of someone’s wellbeing. Wellbeing is a holistic view of the different aspects of wellness–physical, emotional, social, financial, etc.-- and how they affect one another.

Our bachelor’s degree focuses on health and wellbeing sciences but is often referred to as a health and wellness program.

Earning a health and wellness degree from the University of Minnesota’s College of Continuing and Professional Studies can put you on a path toward a fulfilling healthcare career. With this degree, you can find a job in dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, chiropractic care, occupational therapy, or psychology. Other options you can explore include physician assistant, integrative medicine, medical social work, public health, and corporate wellness. Having a health and wellness degree can also help you prepare for a job in the pharmaceutical or medical device field, or you can open your own wellness business.

Studying health and wellbeing at the University of Minnesota is a great way to prepare for a pre-professional program or advanced degree. Keep in mind that you might need additional training and education depending on the type of career you’re interested in.

The exact health and wellness courses you can expect to take depends on your interests and goals. The prerequisites for this program include 20 to 23 credits in biology, chemistry, economics, nutrition, and social science. You’ll also take a proposal development seminar that helps you plan your coursework.

The core requirement courses cover a wide range of areas in the healthcare field, including anatomy, health and fitness, integrative health, nutrition, physiology, pathology, and public health. The degree also includes courses in communication, ethics, management and economics, statistics, and terminology.

Depending on your interests, your degree can also include a focus area. Some of these focus areas include addiction, business, communication, integrative health and healing, life sciences, and neuroscience. We also offer focus areas in pharmacology, psychology, public health, sexual health, sociology, and youth studies.

When you’re in the health and wellbeing sciences program, you’ll also take a career readiness course and general courses, like writing. Supporting coursework for upper-division credits is also available, such as the history of medicine, abnormal psychology, building a professional practice, marketing professional practices, and pharmacology for pre-med and life sciences.

A health and wellness bachelor’s degree from UMN CCAPS helps you develop skills for a successful healthcare career without having to go through a full pre-med track. With this degree, you can pursue a job or further education in public health, dentistry, pharmacy, midwifery, psychology, or another area of healthcare. You’ll gain a solid foundation in social sciences, physical sciences, and biological sciences.

Our advisors provide guidance and support, as well as knowledge of the University of Minnesota. At UMN CCAPS, we can help you choose the right combination of courses to achieve your goals.


WebMB Health Services
Health and Wellbeing Sciences Bachelor's Degree


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