Liz Hruska photo
Career Counselor
MA, counseling and student personnel psychology, and BA, psychology and studio art, University of Minnesota
Liz Hruska has been providing career counseling and coaching services for degree-seeking students since she joined the team of Career and Internship Services in 2008. She is a 2013 recipient of the John Tate Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising, which recognizes high-quality advising at the University of Minnesota. Liz helps students with tactical pieces of the job search, including resume help, interview coaching, and internship search support. She also coaches students around larger self-exploration issues, including clarifying values and strengths and finding a work culture that fits. She has a special interest in providing support for student veterans, students from diverse backgrounds, and those with disabilities. If you are an admitted degree-seeking student and would like to make an appointment with Liz, please visit (you will need to log in).
  • HSM 3051 − Career and Internship Skills in Health Services Management