The nonprofit sector is defined as a collection of organizations that work to provide a public or social benefit rather than generate revenue. It is one of the most powerful and influential sectors in today's society. According to the National Council of Nonprofits, these organizations employ more than 12.3 million individuals. As part of nonprofit organizations those individuals are directly responsible for creating positive change or enriching the communities they serve.

You may find that jobs in nonprofit organizations allow you to align your personal passions with your professional skill set, giving you a sense of fulfillment that is unmatched in any other sector of the economy.

Below are six ways that working at a nonprofit can be rewarding.

1. Making a Tangible Difference in the World

Of all the nonprofit career benefits, making a difference usually tops the list for those who work at these organizations. Nonprofit organizations exist to make a positive impact on their communities, allowing those who pursue a career at a nonprofit to choose an organization that supports a cause personal to them. When you work at a place steered by a mission you believe in, it's easier to feel connected to your job and like a vital part of your community. Contributing directly to a cause you care about allows you to enjoy more than just professional fulfillment from your job—it can give you a deep and lasting sense of personal satisfaction.

Laura Krider is a passionate advocate for the arts who transitioned from a career in environmental policy to enhancing the arts ecosystem. For her, joining the nonprofit sector felt like embarking on an enlightening path. In her narrative, Krider reflects on her evolution from working on environmental initiatives to dedicating herself to the arts, emphasizing that the shift was far from straightforward. Despite her extensive background in policy and advocacy, she found herself navigating the nuances of nonprofit dynamics, which demanded a more empathetic and community-focused approach. Although the transition presented its challenges, Krider discovered that working within the arts nonprofit space offered unexpected rewards and a profound sense of achievement that her previous roles had not afforded her.

2. Diverse Opportunities for Skill Development

Within the nonprofit sector, there is a wide range of social responsibility jobs and community service employment opportunities to explore. Most professionals discover that, regardless of their educational background or professional experience, they can find meaningful and relevant work at a nonprofit organization.

According to Connecteam, some of the most common types of roles at nonprofit organizations encompass:

  • fundraising and grant writing
  • finance and accounting
  • administration
  • event planning
  • public relations and marketing
  • communications
  • human resources

Due to the unique nature of nonprofit work, professionals not only hone technical skills, but they also develop transferable skills that can be leveraged in almost any sector. According to Forbes, professionals who pursue nonprofit sector careers often hold invaluable skills, such as intuition, patience, empathy, collaboration, interpersonal skills, and critical thinking skills. Nonprofit professionals are widely known for having a growth mindset, meaning they are able to face challenges and develop innovative solutions while maintaining a positive attitude.

3. Building Meaningful Connections and Community

While the corporate world is fueled by fierce determination and riddled with competition, the nonprofit sector offers a collaborative environment that appeals to people looking for more personal satisfaction out of their career trajectory. No matter what kind of nonprofit job you seek, you can discover a deeper sense of community within these organizations.

Working at a nonprofit, you will likely have colleagues who are equally passionate about the organization’s cause and mission. Working side-by-side with like-minded individuals can help you feel as if you are striving toward a common goal together. Not to mention, your nonprofit work may require you to make lasting connections with the communities and populations you serve, which can help you feel like your job offers more than just a paycheck.

As you expand your network within the nonprofit community, you may begin to see how these organizations are working together to support one another while creating a more cohesive, equitable community for everyone.

4. Opportunities for Leadership and Personal Growth

If you are hoping to fast-track your career and earn a leadership position, you might have good luck within the nonprofit sector. According to The Case Foundation, nonprofit organizations typically employ fewer people, due to the nature of the business and the amount of funding they are working with. As a result, individuals who secure entry-level positions at nonprofit organizations are often able to work their way up to leadership positions faster than they would in the corporate realm.

As you advance in your career, you will find that nonprofit work results in personal growth and development. Many jobs in nonprofit organizations allow you to take on passion projects, which (according to Forbes) can help you combine your personal interests with your professional skill set.

5. Gaining a Broader Perspective on Social Issues

In addition, nonprofit work allows you to gain a broader perspective on the complex social issues people deal with in today's world. You may be able to develop a deeper understanding of:

  • Social issues facing communities today. In a world that aspires to become increasingly equitable and inclusive, more nonprofit professionals work to develop a better sense of awareness about pressing social issues, such as income inequality, gender inequality, health care access, homelessness, and political polarization.
  • Environmental issues impacting local communities. Climate change is perhaps the most significant environmental issue of our time, and many nonprofit organizations are working to reduce the impact of climate change and raise awareness about the importance of sustainability and environmental protection.
  • Global issues affecting communities around the world. Poverty and food insecurity are just a few global problems that nonprofit professionals may learn more about through work in their local communities.

Becoming more aware of these social, environmental, and global issues may help you grow into not only a more successful nonprofit professional but also a more well-rounded person. Recognizing their significant impact on real lives can further transform you into a more respectful, empathetic human who is willing to take action to improve the lives of others—even when it offers no direct benefit to you personally.

Learn More About Furthering Your Education in Arts and Nonprofit Leadership Today

If you are interested in exploring more about community impact jobs and want to focus on solving social issues, now is the right time to consider a Master of Professional Studies in Arts and Cultural Leadership or Civic Engagement from the University of Minnesota College of Continuing and Professional Studies. This graduate degree program allows you to transform your passion for the arts into a community-focused career, which aligns perfectly with the mission of many nonprofit organizations around the country. Request more information about our graduate degree programs today.
