Some sounds in English change when they come before a "Y" sound. This is especially common with words before you, your, yours, and yourself.
T plus Y = CH.
- Is thachours? (Is that yours?)
- Aren'cha glad? (Aren't you glad?)
- Nochet. (Not yet.)
D plus Y = J.
- Dijou go? (Did you go?)
- Reajour email. (Read your email.)
- It majou think. (It made you think.)
S plus Y = SH.
- What'shour number? (What's your number?)
- It makeshou happy. (It makes you happy.)
- Do you mishour friend? (Do you miss your friend?)
Z plus Y = ZH.
- How'zhour mom? (How's your mom?)
- Izhour class hard? (Is your class hard?)
- Who'zhour TA? (Who's your TA?)
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