American English speakers often drop the beginning "H" in pronouns.
- he
- his
- her
- him
- them
For example:
- Is 'e coming?
- Tell 'er yes.
- What's 'is name?
- Give 'er my book.
- Make 'em wait.
American English speakers often drop the beginning "H" in helping verbs.
- has
- had
- have
For example:
- It's been done.
- She'd called.
- We should've gone.
These contractions are common in writing, too.
Contractions with "have" are more reduced by cutting off the last "V" sound.
- should have > should’ve > shoulda
- could have > could've > coulda
- would have > would've > woulda
- might have > might've > mighta
- must have > must've > musta
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