January 31, 2023
Another View of Ductility and Brittle Fracture
Brittle Fracture Presentation Slides
Duane Miller, ScD, PE, The Lincoln Electric Company
Moderator: Kevin Schultz
Join us for our first webinar in the 2023 Structural Engineering Series and take another view of ductility and brittle fracture. The first part of this presentation will show how ductility can be achieved and provide some insight into how Mohr's Circle can be used to easily explain ductility. The second part of this presentation will examine brittle fracture from a holistic perspective, considering the many variables that lead to brittle fracture.
February 7, 2023
Engineering for Stability During Construction
Engineering for Stability During Construction Presentation Slides
Bridge Stability Presentation Slides
Francesco M Russo, PhD, PE, Russo Structural Services; David D Byers, PhD, PE, Genesis Structures, Inc.
Moderator: Arielle Ehrlich
Bridge erection and demolition engineering represent elements of high risk yet are not well covered in design or construction specifications. Building on decades of experience by the presenters, key aspects of bridge erection and demolition will be presented, including project lessons learned, stability theory, and recent specification changes.
February 14, 2023
The 2022 TMS 402/602: What’s New, What’s Different, and How to Use It?
Richard Bennett, PE, PhD, University of Tennessee
Moderator: Jon Wacker
An overview of the changes to the 2022 TMS 402/602 Building Code Requirements and Specification for Masonry Structures. Some of the major changes are the addition of compression-controlled sections in strength design, the addition of an Appendix for Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer reinforced masonry, and a complete rewrite of the veneer chapter. An overview of the changes will be provided along with practical examples for implementing the changes.
February 21, 2023
Case Studies in Collapse: Arecibo Telescope and Champlain Towers South
Arecibo Telescope Presentation Slides
Champlain Towers South Presentation Slides
Matthew F. Fadden, PE PhD, Jonathan C. McGormley, PE, SE (IL), Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.
Moderator: Mark Chauvin
This session will present two case studies of recent noteworthy structural collapses: the failure of the Arecibo Telescope in Puerto Rico on December 1, 2020, and the catastrophic collapse of the Champlain Towers South condominium building in Surfside, Florida on June 24, 2021.
February 28, 2023
Twin Ports Interchange Project
Twin Ports Presentation Slides
Pat Huston, PE, Nick Haltvick, PE, Minnesota Department of Transportation; Alex Schulz, Kraemer North America
Moderator: Arielle Ehrlich
The Twin Ports Interchange Project, the reconstruction of the confluence of I-35, I-535, and US Highway 53 in Duluth, MN, is a major project involving design and construction of many structures on a geotechnically complex site. To mitigate some of the project development and construction challenges, the project was delivered using a Construction Manager/General Contract (CMGC) contract. This session will include a general project overview and will go into depth on the geotechnical conditions, structural design, and current state of the construction.
March 7, 2023
Assessment and Retrofit of Masonry Structures
Introduction to Ancient Masonry Presentation Slides
Assessment and Retrofit of Masonry Structures Presentation Slides
Case Studies Presentation Slides
Evaluation and Site Investigation Presentation Slides
Monitoring and Maintenance Presentation Slides
Ahmad A. Hamid, PhD, PE, Drexel University; Michael Schuller, PE, Atkinson-Noland & Associates, Inc.
Moderator: Jennifer Popehn
The purpose of this webinar is to provide background, reference material, and guidance to design professionals, building owners, and contractors confronted with addressing existing historic and modern masonry construction. Information related to construction characteristics, typical material properties, and analytical approaches are included for historic and modern masonry construction typologies. The main focus of this course is structural stabilization, strengthening, and retrofit, with maintenance and serviceability items (such as water penetration and cleaning) addressed as subtopics.