Webinar: Negotiate for Agreement


Accomplishing complex work within an organization requires finesse and strong communication skills. Even when everything has been planned correctly and executed to perfection, complex work is unpredictable and problems will crop up. Personal biases—built into people's communication styles, perceptions, perspectives, and attitudes—often complicate situations. Join us to learn which subtle behaviors we can use to shift the perspectives of the individuals we're attempting to communicate with for mutual benefit.

In this webinar we:

  • learned how negotiations permeate our everyday activities in organizations.
  • examined the eight-step process of negotiating.
  • learned the impact of communication styles, cognitive biases, and collaborative approaches in negotiations.

Bob Monson, PhD, manages engineering projects as the technical director at Northrop Grumman. He is an instructor of many U of M project management courses and the author of books on project management, engineering leadership, and systems engineering.

Presented on February 16, 2022.

Webinar Takeaways

  • Negotiations are grounded in the ability to build relationships with the other party; it's all about the relationship first, the deal comes second.
  • Our fast-thinking and slow-thinking modes impact our ability to negotiate.
  • There are several methods of diagramming any given transaction in order to plan for a successful conclusion.
  • It's crucial to find common ground in a transaction and work together to reach a collaborative solution.