About Our Work

The Academic Technology and Design (ATD) unit provides instructional design and course development services for CCAPS. Using a research-based approach, our courses are designed in collaboration with faculty subject matter experts who are practitioners in their field. This faculty expertise provides the basis for a student-centered, active, learning design. The goal is to engage students who gain disciplinary thinking skills by completing authentic, real world tasks.

In addition to course design and development services, ATD Staff updates and maintains courses for faculty, provides ongoing faculty support, and faculty development.

ATD Staff

Our staff are experts in using Learning Management Systems and pedagogy for the online environment. There are four roles in our team:

  1. Instructional Designers (ID): work with faculty on creating new course sites or redesigning sites that need improvements.
  2. Multimedia Designers: support multimedia and academic technologies used in online courses.
  3. Academic Technologists: update and pilot test the courses every semester. They also serve as the end user support team that answers faculty questions for their online courses.
  4. Project Coordinator: works with the programs and their leaders to assign projects to the various ATD staff members. The project coordinator works with the bookstore and library to ensure textbooks and other course resources students need are available.

Organizational Chart

The CCAPS-ATD Organizational Chart as of July 2024
CCAPS-ATD Organizational Chart current as of July 2024