What Multimedia Designers Do

ATD Multimedia Designers are responsible for course content creation and consultation, media management updates, webinar hosting, and more. Our media experts stay abreast of media and graphic design trends and technologies, and assist in faculty technology training and development initiatives in order to create a learning environment that utilizes the most effective technologies to supplement course material.

Update and Add Media Elements in Courses

ATD multimedia designers assist with presentation lecture design and ensure all recordings are added to course Canvas sites and updated during subsequent semesters. Instructors, designers, and media experts discuss possible instructional technologies during kickoff and design meetings. Multimedia designers also help instructors select or design a banner image for your course and design other course-related graphics upon request.

Media Production from ATD

Academic Technology & Design has a studio space available in Coffey 20. This location is available for recording a wide variety of video content such as lecture presentations, interviews, panel discussions, and more.

Instructors can request a recording session with a Multimedia Designer during course kickoff meetings or by submitting through the CCAPS-ATD Service Request form.

Take a look at some of the videos that ATD Multimedia Designers have produced:

Recording on your own as an Instructor

The University of Minnesota uses Kaltura Mediaspace as a video hosting tool available to all staff, faculty and students. Instructors can access Kaltura to record lectures, weekly updates, announcements and more with easy integration into Canvas to post completed videos into modules, announcements, or assignments.  ATD Multimedia Designers assist with training instructors on Kaltura use as well as ensuring all recordings are added to the correct location within a Canvas course site. ATD has also created a number of media and Kaltura-related tutorials.

Support for Third-Party Learning Technologies

We support many third-party learning technologies. Our media experts will support troubleshooting and other questions related to these Canvas integrations and media tools.

Third-party services we support:

  • Kaltura
  • Zoom
  • Google Meet
  • TikiToki Timeline
  • Proctorio
  • FeedbackFruits
  • Articulate Rise 360

ATD also provides and creates student-centric tutorials to provide students with the information needed to complete specific media assignments.

Technical Support for Internal & External Webinars

ATD partners with multiple CCAPS departments including: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) and CCAPS Professional Development (PDL) to serve as hosts for Zoom webinars.

Multimedia Designers are available to set up large Zoom webinars or meetings, schedule practice sessions, and serve as technical hosts for virtual events troubleshooting any errors that may occur.

Request for a project or assistance

Have an idea for something you want to record for a class? Want help seeing how an online course tool will work for your course? Need assistance with a technical problem with one of your integrations? Reach out to the CCAPS-ATD Service Request form to start a ticket for support or to get the ball rolling on a project.