If you have uploaded a video and students are not able to access it, the video publishing settings may need to be changed. You will want to change the publishing settings from Private to Unlisted.

Step 1: Access Kaltura Media Settings

First navigate to the UMN Kaltura Mediaspace portal. This will place you on the the My Media page in MediaSpace.  Scroll to or search for the video you uploaded and that students are not able to access.

In Kaltura Mediaspace My Media page, find the video where you want to adjust it's settings. To the right is a pencil icon. Click on it to go to the media settings page.

Step 2: Change Publishing Setting

On the video’s setting page, select the Publish tab. Then, click on the Unlisted radio button.

Click on the green Save button to complete changing the setting. The video should now allow students with a link to the course to be able to view the video.

On the video’s setting page, select the Publish tab.  Select the Unlisted radio button.  Then click on the green Save button.  The video should now allow students with a link to the course to be able to view the video.