If you are wanting to make a link to a Kaltura media item such as a video or audio file, you will need to obtain a sharable link.

Step 1: Navigate to the Media

To obtain a link, go to the Kaltura Mediaspace My Media page. 

Scroll to or search for the media you uploaded. Click on the link with the name of the video. 

To obtain a link go to the Kaltura Mediaspace "My Media" page.   Scroll to or search for the media you uploaded. Click on the link with the name of the video.

Step 2: Obtain URL

On the page where you can view/see the media piece, scroll down and click on the Share tab. Copy the provided URL in the textbox to use as the shareable link. 

On the page where you can view/see the media piece, scroll down and click on the Share tab. Copy the provided URL in the textbox to use as the shareable link.


To create a link, follow the Adding External Links tutorial.

If students are not able to access the video, follow the tutorial on how to change the publishing setting to Unlisted.