During the semester you may encounter a student or group that needs an extension on their due date. This tutorial will teach you how to set up a due date extension for Canvas Assignments and Quizzes, without changing the due date for other students and groups.

Step 1: Navigate to Assignment/Quiz

Go to the Assignment or Quiz that needs the due date extension. At the top-right of the page click the Edit button.


At the top right of the assignment or quiz page, click on the Edit button.

Step 2: Add an additional assign box

Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Assign section and click on the Add button.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Assign section and click on the Add button. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the until you find the Assign section. At the bottom there is an Add button. Click on it.

Step 3: Select the student or group

Select student or group from "Assign to" section.

In the text field for Assign to, begin entering the name of the student and select their name from the drop-down menu when it appears.

It is possible to add multiple students to the the same Assign to box if you want them to have the same Available from, Until and Due dates.

You can also select one or multiple groups to assign the new dates to instead of listing every student in the group.

Important Note: Please make sure the original Assign to at the top is still assigned to "Everyone" with it's original due date. If you are needing to change the due date for everyone, reach out to ATD if this is going to be a temporary change that we will need to fix for future course updates.

Step 4: Entering the date and time

The due date field grants the due date. "Available from" will restrict student's access to the activity before that date and time while  "Until" restricts access after the entered date and time.

Now you will want to enter the new dates and time. There are three fields that are listed. Here is what field does:

  1. Due: This is the field for the due date. This is a prompt for students in their "To-do" menu on their dashboard as well as the course home page on which items are due soon. Students or groups that make assignment, quiz or discussion submissions past this date will have a "Late" tag shown in the SpeedGrader.
  2. Available from: This field will restrict student access to viewing the assignment, quiz or discussion before the entered date. This is most useful for exams that you want to open by a particular date.
  3. Until: This field will restrict student access to viewing the assignment, quiz or discussion after the entered date. Keep in mind since this field will restrict students from accessing the activity, feedback will not be available to students.

Step 5: Completion

At this point you may complete steps 2−4 to add different due or access dates for students or groups. When you have created all the new due dates, click on the Save button at the bottom right of the screen. Once you have returned to the assignment or quiz page, you have granted the new dates.