While teaching the course you may want to restructure the grades. This can mean moving an activity (assignment, discussion or quiz) to another grading category, changing points or creating a new assignment group (Canvas' term for grading category) to move activities into.
Step 1: Navigate to Assignments Page
Navigate to Assignments.
Moving Activities
To move an assignment, discussion, or quiz, left-click on the left most side of the row on the six-dot icon.
Drag and drop the activity either in a new location in the current assignment group or in a new assignment group.
Changing Points
To change the points for an assignment or a discussion go to the vertical three-dot icon button on the far right of the particular assignment or discussion.
Click on the Edit menu option.
In the Points text-field, enter the new points for the assignment or discussion.
Since quiz points are based on the total of each of the questions potential points, you will need to go into the quiz settings and adjust the points there.
Adding New Assignment Group
Go to the top right corner and click on the + Group button.
The Add Assignment Group menu will pop-up. Enter in the new name of the of the group and the new grade weight. Click on Save to create the new assignment group.
Remember you will need to make adjustments to the assignment group weights so that they all total up to 100%. For more information please read our tutorial on Changing Weights.
If you have any more questions or you need assistance with making additions or changes, we welcome CCAPS faculty to reach out out to us for assistance through the CCAPS-ATD Learning Management Assistance form.