Congratulations faculty and staff; we’re halfway through Fall semester! CCAPS Academic Technology and Design is very happy to continue our efforts to provide technological, media enriched, and pedagogical assistance for CCAPS courses.
Important Reminders
As a reminder, ATD opens courses for online/blended instructors one week before the start of the semester to allow students to acclimate to the online environment.
- Instructor Feedback Wanted! The sunsetting of Canvas’ “Classic Quizzes” will remove surveys from Canvas courses, including our templated “Course Feedback” surveys in Modules 3 and 7. We’d like faculty feedback on the use of these surveys in our courses. Please take a few minutes to take our survey (NOTE: Survey was temporary and is now closed).
- 1XXX Level Course Midterm Grade Notifications: Instructors are required to provide in-progress notifications for all 1XXX courses to students who, on the basis of performance to date in the course, appear to be in danger of receiving a grade of D, F, or N. More information on these notifications and on how to submit them can be found on the Academic Support Resources Mid-term grades site.
- Second 7-week Courses Open: ATD will open Online and Blended 7-week courses on October 18. As a reminder, ATD publishes (opens) online/blended courses one week before the start of the semester to allow students to acclimate to the online environment.
- Final Date for New ATD Work Requests: The final day to request new ATD work -- including consultations -- for Spring courses is December 21, 2021. After this date, all requests require special approval from the ATD Associate Director.
Teaching Tips
- Explore MediaSpace + Add ATD as a Collaborator: Wondering where your Kaltura course videos live? They’re in MediaSpace, where you can review past videos, alter captions, and make basic edits to your videos. Need ATD’s help with captioning or managing your videos? Check out our new tutorial on Adding ATD as a Collaborator in Kaltura.
- Canvas New Quizzes: Classic Quizzes in Canvas is scheduled to sunset on June 30th, 2024. ATD has been working on migrating quizzes that don’t use quiz banks for the Fall 2022 semester. We now have new tutorials to help you with common functions in Canvas New Quizzes.
- Accessing SpeedGrader
- Time Limit Extension (For student accommodations)
- Adding Attempts
ATD Highlight
Coming Soon - Feedback Fruits: CCAPS-ATD will soon offer integration of this tool into new and redesigned courses. Feedback Fruits offers instructors the ability to incorporate robust peer feedback activities into Canvas course sites. Stay tuned for more information!