As Summer the semester draws to a close, here are a few reminders for our CCAPS instructors and staff! CCAPS Academic Technology and Design is very happy to start a new academic year and continue our efforts to provide technological, media enriched, and pedagogical assistance for CCAPS courses.
Important Reminders
- Submitting Grades & Incompletes: Course grades for all students should be submitted by August 24 @ 11:59 PM. For guidance on this process, explore the Academic Support Resources Due Dates for grades site.
- Student Rating of Teaching: Remind your students to complete the Student Ratings of Teaching (SRTs) through Canvas. The SRT link can be located in your Course Navigation panel. Read more about the SRT Process on the Office of Measurement Services website.
- ATD Requests for Fall 2022: The last day to request ATD assistance for your Fall 2022 course is August 9, 2022. After this date, requests for work require the approval of the ATD Assistant Director and may not be accommodated before the start of term.
Launching Fall 2022
- Onboarding Course: CCAPS ATD offers a short course that includes an overview of Canvas and information on grading, communicating, and guiding your students throughout the semester as well as access to just-in-time instructional resources. While intended for new instructors, any instructor wishing to refresh their knowledge is welcome to self-enroll to join the Teaching Online for CCAPS Fall ‘22 Cohort. The course runs from August 29 - September 16.
- COVID-19 Updates: UMN’s Safe Campus COVID-19 Response site (Web page no longer exists, reference left for posterity) continues to be the best source for up-to-date information on campus policy concerning masks and in-person classes.
Teaching Tips
Group Management and Recording Presentations
- Zoom Recording Storage Limitations: Just a reminder, Zoom will only hold your recordings for 150 days! If you want to preserve Zoom recordings, use Kaltura to host and preserve your videos. Here are tutorials that will help:
- Consultations for Zoom Synchronous Meetings: Interested in scheduling a “live” meeting in your asynchronous course? Meet with an Instructional Designer to discuss how incorporating a live Zoom class session and reflection in your course can enhance student engagement and content retention!
ATD Highlight
Check out our article highlighting Jody Tableporter’s course project that puts students in the shoes of real estate developers.